

At askblue, Innovation is seen as a strategic initiative whose main objective is to make the company a reference in the ability to obtain competitive advantages through the identification and realization of opportunities to innovate.

Our innovation management program encourages the creation of value and its capture by the organization. We promote the participation of our employees in the identification of new business models, new forms of competition or in the contribution to the improvement of the effectiveness and/or efficiency of specific processes of

We follow the challenges and technological trends of the market and we are continuously evaluating new technological partners that can help our business, as well as the digital transformation processes of our Customers.

We believe in the Open Innovation model to support our Customers’ digital transformation initiatives, in which, for each Customer’s business context, we propose the best technologies in order to enhance their business model.

We invest in the training and certification of our employees in various technologies and promote the internal sharing of knowledge about them. We believe that only then will we have people more prepared for the agility required by the current competitive context.

Innovation Policy – Blue Innovation

The askblue Executive Committee, comprising, within the scope of its attributions, the responsibility for the effectiveness and efficiency of the Innovation Management System, established the Innovation Policy, in line with the Vision and which constitutes a tool for the operational development of the Innovation Strategy and to the
definition of the Innovation Goals, which is governed by the following guidelines:

  • Promote a culture of innovation in the field of information technologies, oriented towards the realization of value for external and internal stakeholders, through the creation of a governance model that encourages adaptability and the participation and approval of ideas;
  • Ensure the dissemination and promotion of initiatives and forms of participation by interested parties, including the co-creation of initiatives with customers and partners;
  • Develop guidance, training, awareness and communication actions on the importance of innovation management in a rapidly evolving environment and systematic uncertainty;
  • Ensure the resources and processes necessary for the Innovation Management System, ensuring compliance with the requirements of benchmarks and codes of good practices and the expectations of stakeholders;
  • Promote perseverance and ensure the implementation of innovations, in a way compatible with the objectives and the innovation program;
  • Ensuring that approved innovation initiatives are governed by ethical principles and the sustainability of society, communities and people;
    Promote and facilitate continuous improvement of the Innovation Management System and its progressive integration into askblue’s governance model.

askblue is a “Research, Development and Innovation Management System” certified company. Our Innovation Management System, Blue Innovation, leverage our innovation culture, as it continuously monitors technological and market trends and implements a governance model for ideas submitted by employees.